Friday, April 15, 2011

Last Days

The last two weeks have been filled with lasts. I hate lasts, and I usually try not to think of them. But I can't help myself when I feel I'm being kicked out of a city that I've come to love and adore.

My last day of work was surreal. Just like we expected, we seemed to just get our feet on the ground when we were forced to leave. I could never thank every single person I met while at work enough for every opportunity they have given me. The internship has meant more than just work experience and I will never forget it.

Lasts are inherent in the semester system. Finals are the ultimate embodiment of that. Classes here have been sometimes confusing, definitely different but a learning experience nonetheless. This is mostly due to some of the incredible students I've met, both at the British university I took a class at and at the Arcadia courses. Their new perspectives are priceless.

But London has always meant more than this work and academic experience. London's history echoes everywhere, while the crowds of people and the distinct city feel modernize it. I have always known London to be nothing if not dynamic, which is exactly why I have loved it for years. Living here has given me the opportunity to experience that, and become a part of it.

There were a series of posts I wanted to make before I left. Royal Wedding preparations, of which there are many. The abundance of change rather than bills (or notes, as they are known here). Even the meaning of the Portcullis signs, which appear nearly everywhere you see something Parliamentary.

Yet none of those posts would really capture how much living in this city and meeting everyone surrounding this program has meant to me.

So I'd like to end this by just saying thank you and I'll miss you. I'll be back someday. Until then, cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackie,

    I hope you're back in London sooner than you could possibly imagine.
