Monday, January 17, 2011

Homesickness Entertainment

There are a few things that make me homesick for the good old USA. Not being able to instantly reach friends and family, having to doubt myself every time I cross the street, and not seeing any big jars of peanut butter in the grocery store.

But after seeing the first breaking news flash about the shooting in Arizona, there was nothing more that I wanted to do than be able to turn on American news or CNN and watch exactly what was happening. After seeing President Obama's speech in Tucson, AZ, all I wanted to do was ask all my political savvy friends and family what they thought and be with people who understood what a huge deal the tragedy was.

(Also, if you haven't watched this speech, watch it. Even my MP's researcher had heard it.)

But I couldn't. Because I'm across the Atlantic Ocean.

So to take my mind off how crazy far away I am from people now, I've been doing a few things in my spare time to keep... "busy."

Watching: Old West Wing clips on YouTube

Turns out the TV doesn't work in my flat, and the TV's that do work in other flats only show three channels. This obviously sucks. Plus I was planning on learning more about British broadcast news. And watching (better) British shows (or programmes).
Instead, I've been operating off YouTube. For some reason, I watched a good hour of West Wing the other day just off YouTube clips. Yeah, I'm a dork.
Also, the new Skins opening. Psych rocks too.

Reading: Atonement

I basically found it in the bookshelf in our flat, picked it up and started reading it.
There's a ton of books people just abandoned here, and while most of them are London tour guide books, some of them are actually quality literature.

So turns out that while my reading list for class isn't long at all, I will not be short on books here.

That's enough of my weird cures for homesickness now. Side note: I'm hoping to do short posts more often now, and long posts only when I actually have stories to share (including my weekend in Wales.)

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