Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why The World Needs Apparition

There are too many different and important things going on in two of my favorite cities. All I want is to be able to go to work, and then apparate back to Madison to watch the rallies at Capitol Square.

Seriously, there are no words for how much this story makes me want to be back in Madison. Governor Walker dictatorially deciding to scrap collective bargaining rights for state and local employees? A) Ridiculous. B) Please. I should be there. Either to cover it or to participate. (Are any of you lovely people participating? What do you think of the protests?)

I was surprised by the video on that article and excited. When was the last time students protested at the Capitol against something?

I'm not sure how I feel about all the Facebook events though. It's great to see word spread about these kind of 'movements' on Facebook and to see people enthusiastic about them online. But are people actually doing it?

Anyway, I would love to see how all this stuff is going down in Madison. Which is Reason #1 why we need apparition.

Reason #2 is because the sun was shining and the birds were singing in London today, and you all should have been there. I also saw the inside of a BBC studio and the Thames through the window of a Parliamentary Committee room. So that was exciting.

Now back to real homework. Oh yeah, it's still studying abroad, isn't it? Fantastic.


  1. Can you use Apparition to come visit me on this side of the world? It would be great! Also, what about Apparating into Mr. Walker's office and laying the smack down (Bat-Bogey Hex style) on him?

  2. The protests have been really amazing! I was up there a few days but mostly I'm working when they are going on. I have tried to drive up to the capitol during work though to see what's going on. I'm just reading this now, which means I am quite behind lol
